Author: Lyudmila P. Makhova
A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia;
Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatry, Moscow, Russia,,
The article considers three songs of a group of “Polish” Altai Old Believers. The songs were recorded in 1929 by a resident of the village Alexandrovka, located in the basin of the Uba-river in the Altai. The notations of a wedding song “As water flows through sugar”, a lyrical song “Wherever I walk” (based on Alexander Sumarokov’s poem) and a dance song “Guests are leaving the courtyard” from the handwritten collection of the State Musicology Institute are published for the first time. The notations were made by a famous musician-ethnographer Ivan Tezavrovsky. The author of the article identified several variants of wedding and lyrical songs in audio recordings of 1966–1989 by Vyacheslav Shchurov and Veronica Bodrova. The example of dance songs (“krutukhi”) shows similarity between the repertoire of the “Polish” Old Believers and the Old Believers of Vasyugan. The article presents for the first time the folk names of a special type of dances with spinning couples, accompanied by dance songs, spread among the Old Believers of Altai (“kruchki”, 1977) and among the “Semeiskiye” from the Transbaikal region (“krutushki”, 1979), recorded by the participants of expeditions of the Moscow Conservatory.
Keywords: State Musicology Institute, Klyment Kvitka Folk Music Research Center of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, “Polish” Old Believers of Altai, “Semeiskiye” of Transbaikalia, the Old Believers of Vasyuganye
Acknowledgments: The author expresses his gratitude to Oleg Gordienko and Arina Zvereva for the information on “krutushki” of Transbaikalia “semeiskies”; to Sergey Olyonkin for the description of the “krutels” of the Latgalia Old Believers.
For citation: Makhova L. P. “Three Songs of Altai Kerzhaks” in the Materials of the Ethnographic Section of the State Musicology Institute (GIMN) and in the Recordings in 19–20th Centuries”. Opera musicologica. 2022. Vol. 14, no. 2. Р. 22–81. (In Russ.). https://doi. org/10.26156/OM.2022.14.2.002.
The article was submitted 15.01.2022; approved after reviewing 23.01.2022; accepted for publication 15.03.2022.
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