The Saint Petersburg Conservatory in 1866–1868 (Based on the Report of the Russian Musical Society)

Original article   .

Authors: Elena S. Sartakova,Elena E. Kulikova

About the Author: Elena S. Sartakova

Российский педагогический университет имени А. И. Герцена, St. Petersburg, Russia,,

About the Author: Elena E. Kulikova

Российский педагогический университет имени А. И. Герцена, St. Petersburg, Russia,,


The article presents previously unknown archival materials relating to the early stage of development of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. The report of the Russian Musical Society of 1866–1868 contains information on all areas of the conservatory's activities: elaboration of the curriculum and exam programs, concert, documentation, staff management and othes. The significance of this document is explained by the fact that it allows us to comprehend the changes that brought the conservatory to a new level of development. It provides information about the faculty, meetings of the Council and the General Meeting of the professors, the final exams procedure, and the graduates. Therefore, publication of these materials on various aspects of the conservatory’s activities is of obvious value for studying the history of Russian music education in general.

Keywords: Saint Petersburg Conservatory, reports of the Russian Musical Society, Anton Rubinstein, the first professors of the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, Council of Professors

For citation: Sartakova E. S., Kulikova E. E. The Saint Petersburg Conservatory in 1866–1868 (Based on the Report of the Russian Musical Society). Opera musicologica. 2022. Vol. 14, no. 2. Р. 102–115. (In Russ.).

The article was submitted 20.09.2021; approved after reviewing 10.10.2021; accepted for publication 15.03.2022.